Bowling Along…

Recently, Mrs Rowley introduced me to the practice of making objects with homemade ‘cold porcelain’ air-drying clay, with the resulting pair of small bowls, modelled within a couple of measuring cups, pictured below.


Given the history of my monochrome ‘white pears’ paintings, and the continuing fascination of looking at such objects, it seemed appropriate to represent the creamy-coloured cold porcelain bowls against the familiar white ground also, taking on the challenge of trying to capture the subtleties of colour and hue as they appeared in the context of the fluctuating natural light, the painting marks analogous to the finger-and-thumb-formed bowls.


‘Cold Porcelain Bowls’  oil on canvas/16″ x 12″/August 2017

Also today: a most interesting article by Jonathan Jones on the Guardian website relating to the exhibition of Cézanne’s portraits at the Musée d’Orsay and upcoming at the NPG.