Another Exhibition

Saturday morning and the opportunity to accept a most generous invitation by MyPAG (the good people of the Maes y Pant Action Group) to exhibit my recent series of paintings representing aspects of that very woodland at their annual plant sale and coffee morning, to which we donated some of our proliferation of tomato seedlings and treated ourselves to a young raspberry plant. Also donated to this very good cause and community resource, after deliberation by Trevor, Sue and Andrew, was ‘Woodscape #1’.

Here, resting nice and informally by still life table top arrangements (a pleasing juxtaposition, given the other strand of my painting practice, of course), are pictured:


‘Woodscape #2’


‘Woodscape #3’


and ‘Woodscapes’ #5 (right) and #6

More Pears (Amongst the Tomatoes)


‘White Pears #29’

oil on canvas/40″ x 30″/May 2017

Presenting the latest painting on/off the easel, another in the ongoing series featuring the remodelled and whitewashed pears as subject/object matter with this time, to return to another theme, seeing us once again under the visual influence of Edmund de Waal, arranging and obscuring some of the objects behind a sheet of semi-transparent tracing paper as others sit before this screening device.

As with the previous example, the larger scale canvas allows for a more expansive compositional approach.











Appearing In Print


A pleasant surprise on Friday evening as the new edition of our free local community ‘Essentials’ magazine arrived through the letterbox featuring an almost verbatim representation of an exploratory email I’d sent the editor a couple of weeks ago on the occasion of two of the ‘Woodscape’ paintings being selected for inclusion in the Wrexham Open 2017 art exhibition. Now here’s hoping there’s a bit more interest locally as a consequence.

Back Indoors…

Following the six months’ work on the ‘Woodscape’ series of paintings, a return to interior concerns and our old faithful whitewashed pears, the same as last year but, on this occasion at least, on a larger scale canvas and composed with a lot of contemplative ‘blank’ space, certain of Edmund de Waal‘s displays serving as the inspiration for such…


‘White Pears #28’ oil on canvas/40″ x 30″/April 2017



white pears28_detail2




